Tag: RE

Significant Events from Holy Week

Last week was Holy Week, this is important in the catholic church because Jesus sacrificed for us and our sins.

We had to Identify some important events in holy week, these are Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Easter Saturday and Easter Sunday.

Here is my table

Holy week is one of the most important times in the Liturgical Year. I spent my holy week going to mass and spending time with family.

What do you do for Easter?



Welcome back to my blog,

This week I made fake social media accounts.

We did this to share the love God has for us.

I chose a  quote that shows our love and appreciation for God. I chose this quote because it  could be a prayer for someone or  something that reminds people why God brought them into the world or that they can talk to God at any time.

I put a Pope Francis quote and I got to choose how many people are following this person, how many people are liking  and how many have liked the name of the person the account username. You can put photos/ Images in as well.

When was the last time you thought about how God loves you?

Remember Jesus has your back know matter how hard or easy your life is.


This Weeks Gospel

This weeks Gospel was Matthew 25:1-13. Here is a slide show I made. The Gospel was about to always be prepared

We read the gospels because we are a catholic school and it is important to learn about Jesus life and what he did and by flowing in his footsteps you can become a better person . We know that Jesus loves us know matter what.

Matthew 25:1-13 by Monica

Have you ever been somewhere and you forgot something important?