The Fascinating Food Journey!

For these  3 weeks  we had to learn a lot about the digestive system and it felt like it only took like 3 day it went super fast here is my writing.


Digestion- The process of food broken into small particles to be absorbed by your body! Why does my belly rumble? How well do you know your gut garden? Hello, today, I’m going to take you on a rocky ride so stay seated, alongside billions trillions and millions of microbes living inside the human body Hotel to see how you digest food. The microbe- human relationship is perfect – What a team!

Open wide!

The digestive process begins in the mouth. When shoveling some delicious food, it becomes a party in your mouth. At the start your teeth munch and crunch your food into tiny digestible pieces. Then tiny microbes, the enzyme factories, produce enzymes which mix with saliva to immediately start breaking the food down. In addition, the saliva helps to lubricate the food so it is easier to swallow too. What a team!

Your Tube!

When you swallow, the tongue pushes the food down the back of your throat and into a muscular tube called the Oesophagus. From here, the food is mushed and squished into the stomach through a spinning motion called peristalsis. Peristalsis is a series of a wave-like muscular contractions that move food through. It’s like a ship bobbing through the ocean, but with sides that push you forward. What a team!

The Rumbling machine!

The food doesn’t take long to get to your stomach, but once it’s there it has a party there for a few hours. It’s like traveling in a time machine. When the food makes a grand entrance into the stomach the acids absorb it into a creamy, nutrient rich liquid. These nutrients include fat in chocolate, carbohydrates found in pasta, protein from meatballs and vitamins in fruits and veggies. All essential for energy, growth and keeping your body healthy.  What a team! 

The not so small intestine!

This organ’s name doesn’t match its length because if you roll it out, it’s actually over six meters long, I think that’s crazy! After your food goes into the small intestine over 90% of it is absorbed into the circulatory system- these things are minerals, vitamins, fats and all the stuff your body needs to move. Like your own uber eats being delivered. The velvety lining of the tiny folds that act like a sponge. As a result, humans can process up to six to twelve liters of nutrients everyday! Welcome to your gut garden. 

The Large Intestine!

My favorite place, the Gut Garden. It is like a jam packed Taylor Swift concert with all her fans moving around to find the best spot for them to see her as 99% of your body’s microbes set to work breaking down the food . Inside the large intestine, the colon absorbs water from the left over waste for the body to reuse. 

EXIT here!

During the final digestive stage, this leftover waste solidifies and it is pushed along the sigmoid colon to the rectum. When the rectum is full a message is transmitted via the neves in the sphincter to tell your brain you need to drop the kids of at the pool! Muscles around retum relax and your abdominal muscles help push your faeces out. You have a poo!

The End


5 thoughts on “The Fascinating Food Journey!

  1. Hi Monica
    Your writing is really great and informative, maybe next time you can ask a question. But overall your blog post is really good.

  2. Hey Monica,
    Amazing blog about your digestive system writing! Your writing was great. You had lots of information about the digestive system.
    What did you find interesting about the digestive system?
    From Adrianna

  3. Hi Monica!
    Outstanding blog here! I like how your subheadings are funny and creative! y favourite subheading was Exit here! Nothing I would change at all! keep up the amazing work!

    -Mila G

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